Adopt A School

Back to school for many children, can mean a time of excitement and anticipation. What is often forgotten, is that most inner-city children, often feel anxiety and uncertainty, when it comes to preparing for this important time; because when families are struggling financially; school supplies are normally… not at the top of their list.

In order to break the cycle of poverty, our inner-city kids need a good education.

Literacy is one of the most important skills needed to succeed in our society. Providing access to school supplies for inner-city youth, helps to reduce a major barrier to learning.

Each year, we will adopt an elementary school(s) in low income neighborhoods, to serve the students, by supplying them with the necessary tools to become successful in the classroom.

We believe that it’s critically important, for children to be fully prepared, the very first day of school. It helps them have a positive start, to their “learning experience.”

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Donation Total: $500.00 One Time